How 3 hrs of Martial Arts Practice a Week
Multiplies Your Discipline and Mental Strength
While Giving You An Unfair Advantage
in Any Sport, Job or Business
“Birds of a feather flock together”

Muhammad Ali
Have you heard that saying before?
Think for a second, of the best fighters and martial artists in the world
At one point in their career they were complete unknowns and hardly had any skills
The reason they improved so quickly was because of their training partners and coaches
A few that come to mind and clearly confirms this “Law of Association” are…
Who was Muhammad Ali’s main sparring partner? Oh yeah, and he was Joe Frazier’s Sparring partner as well.
Know who I’m talking about?

Bruce Lee & Yip Man
The great boxing champion, Larry Holmes.
Who was Bruce Lee’s first great teacher? Yes even Bruce Lee started somewhere :)
Yip Man of course
Heck even Count Dooku (from Star Wars) had a mentor, the Great Master Yoda
If you have any aspirations of improving your martial arts skills…
Reaching higher levels of strength and fitness and …
Gaining the insights required to get what you want and never fall off track when it comes to your discipline and following through on your goals
The FSD Online Academy is where its at.
Here’s what you get:
Modules and courses are released weekly and monthly within your App for quick and easy access on any phone.
Live Monthly Classes (30th of each month) to Review, Hold You Accountable, Answer Questions, Demonstrate, and Train a particular concept or technique
Don’t worry if you can’t make the class, they’re all recorded and saved for you to view when its convenient for you.
Weekly inspiration via email or text
Structured action plans
Special apparel just for members
And a few more surprises you’ll find out about when you register
I’m personally committing 12 mths of my energy and focus to help you
Come fly with me
If you feel like a turkey, and think “I’m not good enough to join just yet”, “I’m not ready”, “I can’t fly with these guys”
Then you’ll always be a turkey
To that I say Bullshit!
My dad (Sijo) would tell you: You’ll never be ready! The time will never be perfect to start!
So why wait?
When birds fly in V-formation, did you know that the birds at the back hardly strain at all to fly?
They simply cruise and glide and take advantage of their brothers’ and sisters’ efforts in the front
The FSD Online Academy is exactly that
Ready to fly?
You need depth of vision when you start any project, and man if you only knew how true that is when it comes to improving yourself
That’s why one of the first modules focuses on getting this part right, right off the bat.
You can sign up and pay monthly here
or save 5% if you pay in full here.
Spaces are limited
Stay on the path, walk the path of self-mastery
Sibok Martin