Body says: you’re fired!

Are you overwhelmed by today’s hectic living?

Would your body fire you if it could, based on the times you missed WORK-OUTS?

Late for work 1 day (ok it happens), late 2 days (warning), 3rd time YOU’RE FIRED!

Why wouldn’t your physical training be any different?

When it comes to physical fitness you might think it would be easier to live in a monastery like Shaolin Monks and train all day every day to get results.

Very few of us have that privilege.

When you think of it, you FIND time to do the things that makes you happy.

You’re happy because you’re healthy and have your full mobility

Lose it and you’ll quickly regret not making your physical conditioning and health a priority

Why wait?

If you need results fast you’re in luck.

Station Training was created to keep you in peak physical and emotional shape in the least time possible.

If in one hand, I guaranteed you results with a 2 hour workout, a trip to the gym and a personal trainer while in the other offered you our Strength Training Program with the same results at a fraction of the time with no commute, while in the comfort of your own home or office.

What would you choose?

The answer is obvious.

It doesn’t take complex workouts or routines to get results.

Shuffle your cards, pick 15 of them, lay them down, put the music on (or download to your i-pod) and go!

You have the luxury of choosing within 50 different exercises in your stack.

As you progress your workout will get easier and so will your desire to do more.

Next, you’ll need to set a number of reps for each exercise.

Still too easy?

Work your way up to 2 minute stations instead.

Still not enough, take your intermediate stack (85 exercises) and choose from those.

I can go on like this all day. The versatility of the kits are incredible. But the best part has to be it’s SIMPLICITY.

We all have too many things to juggle: Kids, businesses, employees, relationships, AND our physical fitness?

Might as well make fitness the easy, fun part.

15 stations equals 15 minutes. You can take only 5 stations and make those the hardest ones you’ve ever done and still have a sense of accomplishment at the end and it only took you 5 minutes.

The secret is in the Intensity.

The emotion you bring to your workout. Don’t leave your problems at the door bring them with you and burn them right out of your mind and body. Use them as fuel to take your physical fitness levels to all time highs.

Your body will feel refreshed and pleasantly satisfied.

Avoid getting a Pink Slip, get your strength training kit now.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin